When importing projects into MII, we sometimes run into the issue where the files successfully updates to the NWDB database (XMII_FILES) and I can also view them in the workbench. Though if I attempt to execute anything in the WEB folder, I get a file not found error in my web browser. When this occurs I check the server where the files are stored under (usr/sap/...root/CM/ and none of the files imported are in this folder. Does anyone know why this happens or how I can force MII to push the files to the server?
If I create a new irpt in the workbench and save it, I can see it in both XMII_FILES and in the root/CM folder. The issue sometimes happens when we import new files.
We are using a Linux in a clustered environment. I've read that a bad cluster setup can cause issues but it appears this one is setup correctly.