Hi again Sam,
What you suggest is the first thing I tried, and is enumerated in my first post in this thread. The issue I'm having is illustrated in the following image:
That is 8.5 seconds waiting for "CombineQueryRowsets" to return for a query template using 2 tags for 24 hours of data. There are maybe 1000 rows in the total set. I did not call CombineQueryRowsets, I do not want the rowsets combined.
I can execute the same template via ajax in under 1 second. This issue also seems to scale rather poorlyand by the time I have a query users actually want, the wait can be upwards of 1 minute,
The performance of the iChart Java Applet is quick as expected.
Now, I'll paste in some assumptions I made earlier in this thread:
0) i5Chart is a specialization of or wrapper around a VIZ UI5 chat.
1) Multiple rowsets are known by SAP to not be usable with the UI5 controls.
2) SAP provides this shim method "CombinedQueryRowsets" to combine the rowsets data when it detects multiple rowsets are returned by a QT,
3) That method is performing horribly because the data is production floor data and the timestamps go down to the second. It is a rare case that the DateTimes exactly match.
For my next attempt, I un-select "Return results in multiple rowsets" in workbench
This is the result I get (each tag gets its own piece of the x-axis) very strange...
This does drastically reduce the time spent in combineQueryRowsets.
I would much prefer to skip the whole "combining of the rowsets" step as it seems like unnecessary processing. iChart applets do not force rowsets to be combined, why do the i5Charts? This is why I tried my luck at VIZ charts, I thought maybe they could be configured to do what I need.
So, for now our enterprise is forced to keep JRE 1.6.0_43 (really old and probably a security risk) on our users machines because we need to deliver charts via Java Applets because the SAP Html 5 solution simply does not provide acceptable performance.
Hopefully I am wrong about that, and I am just doing something wrong.