It's been a long time since I did some waterfall testing, but as you can see from the vintage 10.0 version xml file I found buried in my hard drive from 2003, your dataset should be perfectly OK:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Rowsets DateCreated="2003-07-17T11:07:57" EndDate="2003-07-17T11:07:57" StartDate="2003-07-17T10:07:57" Version="10.0.0">
<Column Description="Label" MaxRange="1" MinRange="0" Name="Label" SQLDataType="1" SourceColumn="Label"/>
<Column Description="Value" MaxRange="100" MinRange="0" Name="Value" SQLDataType="8" SourceColumn="Value"/>
From the corresponding Display Template I found, here were some of the relevant iChart settings:
AxisLabelColumns="Label" ChartType="Waterfall" CustomLabels="-,-,-,-,-,-,Total" GlobalServerScaling="false" UseGlobalRanges="true" ValueColumns="Value" ZeroBasedCenterline="true"
Good luck - perhaps consider sharing a picture of your finished chart