Hi Joseph,
As earlier mentioned by Tufale, Catalog Query expects the selected PIC objects(Groups and Tags) using the parameter "SelectedObjects". You can give the namespaces of the objects using this parameter as a comma separated string. Remember complete namespace of the object should be used.
For getting properties you could use the "RetrieveProperties" mode of catalog query.This mode is specifically for this purpose i.e. getting the value of the properties of PIC Objects.
For the selected Properties of the PIC Object use this parameter: "ETCQueryPropertiesInfo".
This parameter is of XML type and contains all the selected properties information.
This is the syntax of the XML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<Property name = "---" PropertySetName = "---" />
<!-- You can add any number of properties here-->
<ETCObject name = "---">
<Property name = "---" PropertySetName = "---" />
<!-- You can add any number of properties here-->
<!-- You can add any number of ETCObjects here-->
In this mode you can select properties in 2 ways:
1. Property selected for all - this means that the property is selected for all the PIC Object in the query and value would be fetched for all the objects.If the property is not present for some PIC Object, then no exception would be given, just that value would be skipped.
2. Property selected for a PIC Object: this means that the property is only selected for the specified PIC Object.
Thus the XML should be in above mentioned format.
Rohit Negi.