I have two separate SQL queries and I have to modify both outputs with XSLT transformations. After that I will have 2 .xml files that I have to join into a single .xml file. Is it possible to do that?
<column align="center" width="70">col1</column>
<column align="center" width="80">col2</column>
<column align="center" width="90">col3</column>
<row id="1">
<row id="2">
<row id="3">
<column align="center" width="70">col1</column>
<column align="center" width="80">col2</column>
<column align="center" width="90">col3</column>
<row id="1">
<row id="2">
<row id="3">
I do not insist that this should be the fix format for input .xml files. The only thing that "columns" and "rows" will come from two separate sources.