Hi Kevin,
I followed the same step below except the last one
Create a user for basic authentication as follows:
1. Navigate to http://<server>:<port>/useradmin to start the User Management.
2. On the Identity Management tab page, select Search Criteria as Group.
3. Choose Create Group to create the ADSCallers group. Save the group.
4. Select User in the Search Criteria dropdown list.
5. Choose Create User and enter ADSUser for the user name, enter a password.
6. Under Security Policy, choose Technical User.
7. On the Assigned Roles tab page, in Available Roles, search for the SAP_ADSCALLER role and choose
Add to assign this role to the ADSUser user.
1. Navigate to the SAP NetWeaver Administrator (NWA) at http://<server>:<port>/nwa.
2. Log on to the SAP NWA with a user that has administrator privileges.
3. In the SAP NWA, navigate to SOA Management Technical Configuration Destination Template
Management .
4. Choose New to create a logical port.
5. Choose WSDL as a destination type.
6. Enter ConfigPort_Document in the Destination Name field.
7. Enter http://<host>:<port>/AdobeDocumentServices/Config?
wsdl&mode=ws_policy&style=document in the URL field and choose Next.
8. Choose HTTP Authentication in the Authentication group box and select the User ID/Password (Basic)
9. Choose the Details button. Enter ADSUser in the User ID field and the password in the Password and
Confirm Password fields.
10. Choose Finish to save your entries
Below step is not necessary.
1. Navigate to the SAP NetWeaver Administrator (NWA) at http://<server>:<port>/nwa.
2. Log on to the SAP NWA with a user that has administrator privileges.
3. Navigate to System Management System Properties
4. Choose Edit and select the Use Certified HTTPS Connection for ADS checkbox.
5. Save your entries.