I can call either:
type: "GET",
url: "/XMII/Illuminator?QueryTemplate=somePathToXacute/someXacute&Content-Type=text/xml&Params...",
dataType: "xml",
success: function (result) {...}
type: "GET",
url: "/XMII/Runner?Transaction=somePathToTransaction/someTran&Content-Type=text/xml&Params...&OutputParameter=outXML",
dataType: "xml",
success: function (result) {...}
When I call an Xacute query, the first execution works, but the second doesn't. I figured out that I have to add "cache:false" and then it is okay. If I use a transaction instead of Xacute query, it works with or without cache. Why is that? Transactions are not cached? Only Xacute queries?
What is the cost difference in time if I call directly a transaction, instead of an Xacute query? What is the advantage to call an Xacute at all?