Hi Marco,
the XPath expression that you are using is correct. Only the way it is being used needs change.
Here-under follow the steps which can help achieving the desired results :
1. Create a local variable [eg. selNode] with type xml
2. before the tracer assign this local variable the desired XPath expression/value (You may use any existing action block or may choose to add an assignment action block for this purpose).
eg. selNode = Output_Data.Output{/Rowsets/Rowset/Row[WORK_CEN_LN_SEG = 'ST_04_01']}
3.Now in tracer, use this local xml-variable (instead of using XPath expression directly) inside the string to be assigned to the message parameter.
eg. Tracer_x.Message = "Row node having WORK_CEN_LN_SEG as ST_04_01 is : " & Local.selNode
And with this you should be able to get xml for the relevant node.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>