Hi Ashai/ Rohit,
Thank you for your valid inputs. I want to get clarify few things from the above post for a better understanding.
I have simulated the same example in my environment and couldnt get the desired out put. could see alerts only , not the appended output as mentioned in post. As mentioned,created variable as Out in the transaction .
1)var url = "/XMII/Runner?Transaction=" + currTrxFullPath + "&OutputParameter=*";
from the above statement.. modified as:( do i need to add + symbols in between)?
var url = "http://192.100 .101 22:50000/XMII/Runner?Transaction=abc_trx + Transaction/abc_trx+"&OutputParameter=*";
2)var currTrxFullPath = "Default/Transactions/HelloWorld_Runner_Output"; // Full Path of the transaction
modified as:
var currTrxFullPath = "";
I am not getting desired output. Please let me know how should I build my transaction properties to receives those two inputs and send output .
based on the above example, I want to build a webpage and pass those variables to transaction and from there to BAPI and response back .
I appreciate your patience and time and request you to guide me further.