Hi Shashank,
I do not think there is a action block to see the results. Certain things you would need to know about logging. The URL mentioned in your post would only enable the logging. Inorder to view the statistic results, you should use http://localhost:50000/XMII/Illuminator?service=BLSManager&mode=stats&id=<Transaction ID>&content-type=text/xml .The transaction id is got from the transaction manager screen.
If you want this result in a transaction, you could use HTTPPost/TextLoader/XMLLoader action block.
1. Use the XMLLoader/HTTPPost action block to call a transaction with logging switched on.
2. From the XML output of the action block, pick the transaction ID .
3. Pass this transaction Id in this URL, http://<server>:<port>/XMII/Illuminator?service=BLSManager&Mode=Stats&ID=<TRXID>&content-type=text/xml . This url can be an input to an XML/Text Loader or a HTTPPost action block.
4. The output of this block would give you the statistics of the transaction,
Check Examples: Transaction Services - SAP Documentation for details on logging and statistics.
Tufale Ashai.
Message was edited by: Tufale Ashai